Curtis F. J. Doebbler

Curtis F. J. Doebbler

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Curtis F. J. Doebbler

Dr. Curtis F.J. Doebbler is an advisor to Just Atonement Inc. He is an international human rights lawyer, professor of law, writer, and human rights defender who makes use of everything at his disposal, including the internet, to pursue the goal of human rights for all in a just and equitable world. He holds law degrees from New York Law School (J.D.), Radboud Universiteit (Meestertitle, LL.M.), and the London School of Economics and Political Science (Ph.D.). He has published eight books, more than two hundred academic and newspaper articles, and numerous online contributions. He is also a regular commentator on international law on television and radio news programmes. He represents the NGO International-Lawyers.Org at the United Nations and practices international law ( before domestic and international tribunals, advising and representing both governments and non-governmental actors. He has taught law at universities in the Middle East, Africa and Europe and is currently Research Professor of Law at the University of Makeni and a visiting professor of law at Webster University in Geneva. His most recent book The Dictionary of International Law is available in March 2018 through Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.