North Korean Participation in the Winter Games War and PeaceDave Inder ComarJanuary 22, 2018Olympic Games, Korean Peninsula, North Korea Olympics, Winter Games, Olympics Shared Flag
A Golden Age for Humanity: Is it Possible? War and PeaceDave Inder ComarJanuary 18, 2018Global Justice, System of Global Justice, Golden Age, International Criminal Court, International Law, International Legal Framework
Myanmar and the Rohingya War and PeaceDave Inder ComarNovember 10, 2017Myanmar, Rohingya in Myanmar, The Rakhine State, Conflict in Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar Conflict, Human Rights Abuses
Our Recommendations to the UN Human Rights Council Regarding the Case of Saleh v. Bush War and PeaceDave Inder ComarOctober 4, 2017Saleh V Bush, International Law, Bush Administration, Human Rights Council, Crime of Aggression, United Nations Human Rights Council, United Nations, War Crimes